Sunday, September 20, 2009


Went on assignment to Johnson's Giant Pumpkins today, kind of a light crowd since it's still early in the year, but they had all your standard pumpkin patch attractions, tractor rides, corn maze, crafts, etc. This is just one of my out takes.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


After both of my assignments today I had to pass by a body of water on the way back to my car, the Saginaw River this morning and a pond on Saginaw Valley State University's campus this afternoon. 

Friday, September 18, 2009


Got a start on a multimedia project I'm working on over Records and Tapes Galore, the last independent small record store in Saginaw. The owners are pretty awesome, they've run the store for 35 years and are not planning on quitting any time soon.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Shot high school swimming tonight and you're not allowed to use strobes during diving, so I tried some vertical panning.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Volley Dogs

"Rusty", a fox red lab who retrieves for his owner during duck season, takes off into the lake after a duck decoy.

Two of Hemlock High School's varsity volleyball players embrace after scoring a point against Swan Valley High School.

Covered two assignments today, "Soggy Doggy", where they opened up a local beach for dogs to play where they usually aren't allowed and high school volleyball.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dead Day

Dead day at work today. Here's something I took in an unoccupied office at the newspaper.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Day Off

Been a while since I posted, I'm planning on doing a daily post from here on out. Here's a shot from the patio behind my house.